Tuesday, March 20, 2007

More idiotic…

Gary Mawyer sent me the link for this article by Geoffrey Wheatcroft: More idiotic than erotic. It's a wonderful piece—followed, I might add, by some provocative comments. One of these reads as follows:

What is remarkable here is the evident failure of Geoffrey Wheatcroft's publisher, Politico's Publishing, to employ a copy editor capable of picking up obvious errors. Traditionally, all mainstream publishers submit manuscripts to a copy-editorial process before the proofreading stage is reached, the copy editor usually being someone with knowledge of the subject area. It's true that small publishers, which Politico's presumably is, are often challenged in this area, but then Politico's is an imprint of Methuen, which obviously has the resources to employ competent editors. So what is to blame for this surprising, and extremely depressing, blunder? Cost cutting? I think we should be told ...

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