Saturday, October 2, 2010

There is a Style Sheet for Everything

I was looking around for examples of style-sheets the other day and I just realized that these are everywhere. Style sheets are present in everything that we use. Web content is mostly constructed of style sheets like the one above. The only difference between our style sheets and the ones used online is that ours deals with grammatical style as opposed to the styling of the appearance that is included in every aspect of this blog and other websites we browse. Just made the connection after my Google search and thought I would share.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Thank you, Joaquin, for bringing up style sheets created for web pages. Wikipedia has a good explanation of what are called cascading style sheets (CSS), the predominant kind of style sheet on the web. These are created to give a uniform look to pages at large websites and to enable them to load quickly. Instead of a browser reading multiple web pages with a lot of formatting code embedded in each, it reads what's called a CSS: a separate document that specifies such things as typeface, font size, font color, link color, background color, repeating images, headings, and so forth. When you attach a cascading style sheet to your HTML document, you are asking it to control these elements.

The kinds of style sheets we are covering in class right now are slightly different creatures. However, in a few weeks, we will be talking about ones that are very much like CSS. I'll bring in the style sheets that were created by the designer of my print journal, and I think everyone will see the similarities.